Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9-11-2001

Now I am not the one to type personal messages on here but I really need to get this off of my chest.  I am fully aware that this blog is read country and worldwide so I just wanted to share my memories of that horrific day.
It is still amazing to me how I remember today so well from 10 years ago. I was 17 and in my first semester at PG Community College here in the Washington D.C. metro region and it was actually a day that I didn't have class (I only had classes on Monday, Wendnesday, and Friday and this was a Tuesday). I remember the day so well. I remember my mom calling around 9am and saying to turn on the news. I also remember dropping my brother off at driving school where he just knew that he was having driving class. I remember after that my mom calling me on my cell and telling to pick up my lil sister and sitting in traffic on Marlboro Pike (A huge surprise to me) and I remember looking around and everyone had their windows down (The weather was nice that day) listening to the radio in an errie silence. I also remember hearing about the fourth plane on the radio. After I took a back road to get off of Marlboro Pike and in the process my exhaust pipe on my car busted while the car was still driveable it sounded like a semi-truck. Once I finally reached my lil sisters elementary school I finally got out of my car and stepped into the main office. I was clearly the youngest in there and the staff were straight to the point, there were no series of questions or anything. Once we made it back home I was 100% fixated on the news.

I have also posted 3 youtube vids two of which remind me of that time of uncertanity where alot of then popular music celebs did a song together "What's Goin On" (Which was and is still mainly intended to support the AIDS crisis in Africa) however the terror attacks of 9-11-01 gave the song a second important meaning. Also a video that I just came across recently by Beyonce where her song (or part of it) was played over very touching visuals this morning.

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